I received an email that used the initials "ftm" I wrote back for a definition. It meant female to male as in transexual. She was in the process and was still female.
I have come across others that I didn't bother to ask about. So I am curious, what other short cuts are out there. I already know bfd, thank you.
What can you add to the list? c u - see you, brb - be right back?
i hope you got your answers, because damn your fine!!
i like a man that shows his chest hair. yummy
Reply:Thanks, I'm new at this and am caught off guard at some of these questions. However, it is nice to see a hottie with brains. I've looked at all your quetions and you are very diverse. So, I look forward to answering some more just so I can look at you,,,,,,damn!!!!! Report It
Reply:ATM = At The Moment
BBL = Be Back Later
BF = Boy Friend
BIL = Brother in Law
BRB = Be Right Back
BTW = By The Way
DD = Dearest Daughter, Darling Daughter, etc
DH = Dear Hubby (Or Husband) , Darling Hubby, Darn Hubby, Dumb Hubby, etc
DS = Dearest Son, Darling Son, etc
FIL = Father in Law
FP = Off Program
FYI = For Your Information
GF = Girl Friend
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
ICBINB = I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
JK = Just Kidding
LOL = Laughing Out Loud or Lots of Laughs
MIL = Mother in Law
OIC = Oh, I see
OMG = Oh My Gosh!
OT = Off Topic
PITA = Pain In the A$$
POV = Point of View
ROFL or ROTFL = Rolling on the Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling on the Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
SIL = Sister in Law
SO = Significant Other
TG = Thank Goodness
TGIF = Thank Goodness It's Friday!
TIA = Thanks in Advance
TMI = Too Much Information
TOM = Time Of the Month
TTYL = Talk To You Later
WB = Welcome Back
WI = Weigh In
WO = Work Out
WW = Weight Watchers
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
WATP = Walk Away The Pounds video
Reply:ttyl: talk to you later
AFAIK: as far as i know
AKA: also known as
AMBW: all my best wishes
BBL: be back later
BD: big deal
CID:consider it done
EML: evil manic laugh
F2F: face to face
GG,GL: good game, good luck
OIC:oh i see
YTTT: you telling the truth?
PMFJI: pardon me for jumping in
POV: point of view
SOL: sooner or later
BTW: by the way
TUVM: thank you ver much
IDKY: i don't know you
TIA: thanks in advance
OOTB:out of the box/blue
WTG: way to go
YW: your welcome
FYI: for ur information
errr i know others but it would be difficult to keep writing them all
hope those are enough
Reply:Later On! LoL! J/k I just had to leave some answer cause you look to sexy in your pic! he-he. To bad I'm married!
Reply:oh there's a bazillion
Try here:
I use lol (laugh out loud), nak (nursing at the keyboard), imho (in my humble opinion), brb (be right back), lmao (laughing my *** off), lmk (let me know), iirc (if I recall correctly), the most.
Reply:Ok, here's one for you. "IIRNTDTEL" as in, is it really necessary to destroy the English language?
I know, just getting off my soap box now. Thanks and have a nice day (or should I say TTFN).
Reply:SAL- sex, age, location. BF or GF- boyfreind or girlfreind. LOL- laugh out loud. LMAO- laugh my @$$ off. those are just a few. Also, people tend to use numbers for letters and one letter for a whole word. Like this. b 4 2day. means before today. Hope this helps you some.
Reply:bbl- be back later, tyvm- thank you very much, nvm- nevermind, omg- oh my god, lol- laugh out loud, rotfl-rolling on the floor laughing, and the list goes on and on...
Reply:r u = are you
ppl = people
ASL = age , sex , location
Reply:gtg=got to go
ty=thank you
imo=in my opinion
Reply:I can see who wants the 10 points here,LOL (laugh out loud).
heres mine:
FOS =full of ****
BS= bull ****
IOU= I owe you
143 = I love you
Reply:lol-laugh out loud, lmao-laugh my a** off, g2g- got to go, ttyl-talk to ya later, smt-suck my teeth, odc-off da chains, omg-oh my god, pos- parent over shoulder, asl?-age/sex/location?, and a buch of other ones!!!!
Reply:TY= thank you ,yw= your welcome, ttyl= talk to you later, now my fav....ttfn=tah tah 4 now
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